New Scientific Committee members announced
Shekhar S. Borah
Analog VLSI, Current-Mode Circuits, MemristorsIndian Institute of Information Techn
Adel . Hassine
Heritage Science, Humanities and Social Sciences, Interior Design, landscape, territory and heritageFaculty of Humanities and Social Science
Fatiha . Yahia
Clinical Psychology, Child and Adolescent Psychopathology, Educational Sciences and ArtephoriaUniversity of Batna-1-Hajj Lakhdar
Miloud E. El-Rahali
Development - Social Studies -Sustainable DevelopmentCenter for Research and Policy Analysis.
Zoulikha A. Attalah
Arabic literature and foreign languages, School standards, entrance to legal sciences, and scientific research methodology.Adel N. Njim
Archeology of Phoenician and Punic Incense Burners and Votive Urns in the Western Mediterranean BasiBadir B. Mohamed
sonography of performing arts cinematic and dramatic arts.Faculty of Letters, Languages and Arts, Universi
Eslam I. Mohamed
Philosophy of Arts from the Department of History, Egyptian and Islamic Antiquities, Islamic History of Arts,Rabie . Amer
Special Education - Intellectual DisabilityKing Khalid University - Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Taher T. Jaziri
Language, Literature and Arab Civilization:College of Arts and Sciences, University of Hail
Sherin H. Zaydan
Department of Self Development - Deanship of Preparatory Year and Support StudiesImam Abdul Rahman Bin Faisal University , Dammam.