The management of a language course necessitates a pedagogical approach which has to be readily open to different cognitive domains and theories of teaching / learning the Arabic language. This goes in line with the interaction between psychological knowledge and linguistic background, as well as the sociological factors and the real-life conditions that the teaching / learning process actually requires. Language teaching is also a process which essentially depends on constant research into the mental functions of individuals, learning paths, and the appropriate use of knowledge, in order to not only develop a child’s learning ability, but also to find suitable strategies capable of explaining internal arrangements of factual affairs. Psycholinguistics and cognitive psychology are concerned with the environmental factors that explain a linguistic phenomenon, while the sciences of education are concerned with the implementation of theoretical educational choices, formulating and detailing their expectations, analyzing their results and comparing their compliance with objectives. In this sense, a methodical management invites us to consider theories and approaches in a comprehensive way in order to reinvest them in the formulation of an integrated vision capable of conceptualizing a clear and functional pedagogy of the Arabic language. Thus, the course of teaching a language is a very long and complex one, and also one that only ends with giving the student the autonomy to read and understand, which eventually requires the use of didactic situations capable of providing connections between all the components and of clearly presenting the appropriate linguistic components to the pupil. It is also recommended to specify the mental paths responsible for the use of the language and its description, to understand the mechanisms of learning and its evolution, and to help the pupil to manage new knowledge. This process requires the use of a multidimensional approach predicated on a behavioral observation in authentic situations, in teaching/learning situations, and on the building of a collaborative experimentation protocol.
Language teaching and learning, Learning theories, Didactic Language.
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Noureddine Pontel(2021), Cognitive endoscopy to build a didtik language lesson. IUSRJ International Uni-Scientific Research Journal (2)(23),132-138. for Paper
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