This article provides a comprehensive guide to building robust regression models using Python's Scikit-learn library. It delves into the core concepts of regression, exploring various algorithms and their applications. By leveraging machine learning techniques, readers will gain insights into effective model selection, training, and evaluation. The article emphasizes practical implementation, providing code examples and real-world use cases. This resource empowers you to harness the power of regression modeling for accurate predictions and informed decision-making. In this study, the performance of various regression models was systematically assessed using key evaluation metrics, specifically Mean Squared Error (MSE) and R² score. The analysis identified the Decision Tree Regressor and Gradient Boosting Regressor as exhibiting superior predictive accuracy, characterized by low MSE and high R² values. These models demonstrated a robust fit to the dataset, positioning them as optimal choices for prediction tasks. Nonetheless, the selection of the final model should also consider factors such as interpretability, computational demands, and application-specific requirements. This thorough evaluation process aims to ensure the adoption of the most effective and suitable model, thereby improving the reliability and precision of predictions.
Optimization of Regression Models Using Machine Learning: A Comprehensive Study with Scikit-learn
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Mohammed Salama(2024),Optimization of Regression Models Using Machine Learning: A Comprehensive Study with Scikit-learn. IUSRJ International Uni-Scientific Research Journal (5)(16),119-129. for Paper

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