The purpose of this study is to evaluate the degree of emotional intelligence in a sample of middle school students. The sample is made up of ninety students, who are equally divided between males and females (45 females and 45 males). Gender and academic level variables were used to randomly select participants from Wifak Preparatory School, which is affiliated with the Directorate of Education in Fes. This study utilized the Bar-On Emotional Intelligence Scale, and the statistical data were analyzed using SPSS version 26. According to the results, the sample participants displayed a high level of emotional intelligence. The results show no statistically significant differences in emotional intelligence scores attributed to variables such as gender and academic level. The aims of this study are to evaluate the level of emotional intelligence among middle school students and to investigate whether there are statistically significant differences in emotional intelligence scores based on gender and academic level.
Emotional intelligence, middle school students, gender differences, academic level, Bar-On Emotional Intelligence Scale, SPSS analysis
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Mohammed Labrouzi , (2024),Emotional intelligence among middle school students: an analytical study. IUSRJ International Uni-Scientific Research Journal (5)(12),87-92. for Paper
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