This article aims to address the act of social urban protest. The light is shed on the protest strategy deployed by the dwellers of marginal neighbourhoods to decry the interference of the state in their lives. In order to address such a problem, we rely on observations and interviews to build up the corpus for such an exploratory survey. As for the theoretical framework we use theories and concepts deployed by the social studies concerned with marginal areas. Accordingly, the site and the infrastructure of “Bloc Mkhaznia” display a moral standard that instigates the protest which emphasises the institutional framework and a feeling of superiority as a strategy to decline the project of rehousing in the suburban site of ENNASSER in Casablanca.
Subaltern politics, protest, marginal neighborhoods, rehousing, moral standards
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Simohamed Chakki(2023),Strategies of protest action to resist urban politics in Morocco. IUSRJ International Uni-Scientific Research Journal (4)(13),73-82. for Paper
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