This article focuses on the possible effects of the linguistic analogy that Moroccan learner in primary school could experience during French lessons, more particularly during reading sessions. Indeed, there is no doubt that reading activities remain crucial for learning a new language, including the acquisition of his own phonological awareness. However, the use of mother language, namely dialectal Arabic and Amazigh, prevents, if not blocks, the didactic transposition of linguistic skills in French. Our mission in this case consists of experimentally measuring the possible effects of linguistic analogy in reading on the quality of learning French, by comparing both the behavior of apprentice-readers and of the teaching staff facing the use of the mother language, in order to achieve the recommended learning objectives.
Reading, Learning French, linguistic analogy, Primary school, Morocco, Lecture, Apprentissage , du français, analogie, linguistique, primaire, Maroc
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Ahmed Tbaik(2022), The Impact of Linguistic Analogy in Reading on The Learning of French in Primary School ( L'impact De L’analogie Linguistique En Lecture Sur L'apprentissage Du Français Au Primaire ). IUSRJ International Uni-Scientific Research Journal (3)(7),47-52. for Paper
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