The medicinal and aromatic plant sector has experienced remarkable growth, especially during the second decade of the third millennium. This growth is mainly due to the increase in world demand for aromatic and medicinal plants and their derivatives on the one hand, and to the growing number of their users and the various fields of use linked to them (from traditional medicine to the most complex and sophisticated industries). Aromatic and medicinal plants are also an important natural resource in the creation of income-generating activities for the benefit of the local population. In this paper, we will try to highlight the importance of this terroir resource through the example of Rosemary (its socio-economic value) while empasizing the problems facing this sector. (overexploitation, primitive methods of exploitation and transformation), in addition to showing the importance of structuring this economic sector towards a social economic sector for the management and sustainability of this natural resource.
Rosemary, social and solidarity economy, sustainability, management.
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Mohammed Assioui, Mimoune Mehdaoui, Bilal Bougi , Youssef Balet(2021), Social and solidarity economy between exploitation and sustainability of natural resources: Case of . IUSRJ International Uni-Scientific Research Journal (2)(28),162-169. for Paper

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