This article deals with the school status of French in Morocco and presents the paradoxical situation of this language in relation to the use of code-switching (CS) Arabic / French by teachers. Thus, far from the prejudices relating to CS generally perceived as a weed to be eradicated, particularly in language class, this article discusses the point of view of the specialists who undertook this phenomenon in the educational context. Moreover, this analysis presents the situation of this language in relation to the use of Arabic / French Code-switching (CS) by teachers. This article presents the point of view of specialists who have undertaken this phenomenon in the educational context. It is based on the results of a functional and formal analysis of a CS corpus made up of the verbal speeches of twenty-nine teachers recorded during teaching-learning lessons. From the analysis of the corpus and the results of the different didactic and communicative aspects of SC, its role in language classes and the attitudes to be adopted by the main educational actors are highlighted. Generally, it is obvious that CS is frequently used by Moroccan teachers of French for two purposes: it is used as a contrastive strategy to compare two different linguistic systems, or as a support strategy to facilitate communication.
Code switching, vehicle-language, object-language, communicative teaching strategy, support strategy, contrastive strategy
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Hicham Er-Radi(2021), Code-switching and The Teaching of French in Morocco: for a Didactic Approach. IUSRJ International Uni-Scientific Research Journal (2)(26),151-156. for Paper
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