This study investigates the critical factors influencing investment in renewable energy projects and their subsequent impact on development across various countries. By examining government policies, financial incentives, technological advancements, and market dynamics, the research aims to provide valuable insights for policymakers, investors, and stakeholders seeking to accelerate the transition to a sustainable energy future. The analysis delves into case studies from Spain, Côte d'Ivoire, Canada, and China, highlighting the diverse factors that have contributed to their renewable energy success. In Spain, abundant solar and wind resources, coupled with supportive government policies, have driven significant growth in the sector. Côte d'Ivoire, facing electricity shortages, has recognized renewable energy as a crucial solution to meet increasing demand. Canada's reliance on hydropower and recent advancements in wind and solar energy have positioned it as a leader in clean energy. China, with its massive scale and ambitious targets, has demonstrated the potential for rapid renewable energy deployment. The findings from these case studies offer valuable lessons for countries seeking to replicate or surpass their achievements. By understanding the determinants of investment and their impact on renewable energy development, policymakers can design effective strategies to promote sustainable energy transitions and achieve economic, environmental, and social benefits.
Investissements, énergies renouvelables, Transition énergétique, Changement climatique, durabilité environnementale Investments, Renewables Energies, Energy transition, Climate Change, Environmental Sustainability.
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Khadija Moudene , Ejbari Ridouane(2024),Investment Determinants and Their Impact on Renewable Energy Development: International Experiences. IUSRJ International Uni-Scientific Research Journal (5)(17),130-145. for Paper
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