This study examines the historical significance and urban development of Fez and Meknes, two cities with roots tracing back to the Idrisi dynasty and the reign of Moulay Ismail of Morocco. Historically, both cities have experienced significant economic, scientific, and cultural prosperity, which is still evident through their notable urban landmarks. This historical background has been instrumental in shaping the demographic and economic dynamics of Fez and Meknes, enabling them to exert influence beyond their boundaries into the surrounding southern and southeastern regions. The findings indicate that this expansion has resulted in urban growth that exceeds traditional city limits, leading to the development of neighboring communes. As a result, urban planners and developers are increasingly focusing on these suburban areas, recognizing their potential for accommodating new projects due to the availability of extensive land and space. This research highlights the interplay between historical context and contemporary urbanization in shaping the future of these cities.


urban landmarks, the two cities of Fez and Meknes, suburban space, spatial expansion, the historical aspect

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Khalid El-ALAOUI, Jaoid EL BORDO, Hamid KHATRANI (2024),Fez and Meknes: Historical Significance and Socio-Economic Prosperity in Urban Dynamics. IUSRJ International Uni-Scientific Research Journal (5)(3),14-18.

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