This study aims to investigate the relationship between emotional intelligence and quality of life among Moroccan adolescents. The sample consisted of 96 secondary school students, both male and female, aged between 12 and 16 years (M = 14.19, SD = 1.28). This research is particularly significant given the transitional and complex nature of this developmental stage, which involves significant organic, cognitive, and emotional changes. An initial exploratory study was conducted to assess the levels of emotional intelligence and quality of life among the participants, examine gender differences, and explore the relationship between these two variables. The BAR-ON Emotional Intelligence Scale (Parker et al., 2011) and the Quality-of-Life Scale (Bakas et al., 2012), both adapted for the Moroccan context, were utilized for data collection. The results indicated that adolescents in the sample exhibited an average level of emotional intelligence overall, with average scores in the intrapersonal and interpersonal dimensions, and high scores in stress management and adaptability dimensions. Additionally, the quality of life among the respondents was found to be high. Statistically significant gender differences were observed in the adaptability dimension and overall quality of life. Furthermore, a statistically significant positive correlation was found between the overall emotional intelligence score, specifically the intrapersonal and stress management dimensions, and quality of life.
emotional intelligence, quality of life, adolescents, Bar-On scale, positive psychology
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Abdelmounim Kiouach , Benaissa Zarhbouch(2024),The Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Quality of Life in Moroccan Adolescents. IUSRJ International Uni-Scientific Research Journal (5)(14),99-107. for Paper

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