This article explores the effectiveness of generative artificial intelligence applications in facilitating cultural communication between people who do not share the same language. The article adopted an inductive and analytical approach, drawing on most of the research and studies related to our subject. Specific questionnaires were also developed to strengthen our ability to respond to the issues raised. This article examines the role of these applications in strengthening cultural communication links between peoples through their translation applications. The article also highlights their current uses and future perspectives in the field of translation, highlighting the challenges they face in their implementation and the ethical principles that come with it. The article assesses their impact that could shape the future of the translation industry and cultural interactions. This article explores the contribution of education and training in the field of machine translation and artificial intelligence applications. The article presents case studies and an analysis of situations tested for their application in cultural translation. The article concludes with a synthesis and recommendations based on the ideas presented in this study, in order to provide a thorough understanding of the field of machine translation and its role in cultural interactions


Intelligence, artificielle, générative, traduction, communication culturelle Generative Artificial Intelligence, Translation, Cultural Communication

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Mounir Heddad(2024),The impact of AI on cultural relations: analytical study. IUSRJ International Uni-Scientific Research Journal (5)(13),93-98.

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