Morphometric analysis involves a quantitative description and analysis of form characteristics as practiced in geomorphology and applied to watershed areas. This study incorporates linear, areal, and topographic morphometric aspects of fluvial features in the Oued Msoune watershed, covering an area of 2121.78 km².
The primary issue in this area is soil erosion due to significant runoff. It is acknowledged that for sustainable development, water and soil conservation is essential, with watershed management being the most appropriate approach. Hence, the application of Geographic Information System (GIS) has become imperative.
In this study, GIS techniques were employed to identify morphological features and analyze their properties within the watershed. Morphometric parameters, such as linear and areal aspects, were determined and computed using Digital Elevation Model (DEM) data and topographic maps at a scale of 1:50,000.
The Oued Msoune watershed exhibits a dendritic drainage pattern, with a bifurcation ratio of 2.45, indicating uniform geological structure and lithologies. Analysis reveals that as stream order increases, the total length of stream segments decreases, consistent with Horton's law of stream length. High drainage density and frequency suggest impermeability and limited groundwater recharge, with sparse vegetation. The form factor and elongation ratio indicate an elongated basin shape. This study provides valuable insights into the hydrodynamic behavior of the Oued Msoune.
Morphometric analysis, watershed, GIS (Geographic Information System), Hydrodynamics
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Fouad En-nahli, Abdelkhalek Ghazi(2024),Morphometric and hydrographic study of the Oued Msoune watershed. IUSRJ International Uni-Scientific Research Journal (5)(2),4-13. for Paper

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