In George Sand, the female body takes the form of a discursive place where unique ideas emerge. These are placed at the service of an aesthetic novelty consisting in painting a body that wants to be the reflection of this feminine revolt in the 19th century. The novelist actually puts the female body on stage and dares to examine it as a company fighting tirelessly for a change in misogynistic thinking. The latter considers the female body as a pure tool for the satisfaction of male carnal desire. It therefore seems essential to us to ask ourselves how the organism of the woman is transformed into a mediating figure, through which the author exposes her own conception of the female body and its relationship to the sexual desire of the man. A body that dares to rise up against the patriarchal spirit, in order to impose the existence of the woman as a subject in her own right
Ecriture, corps, femme, révolte, George Sand.
[1] G. Sand, Indiana, Ed. Gallimard, Paris, 1984 (1832), P. 50.
[2] Ibid. P. 90.
[3] Anne Aubry, « Larmes, Douleur Et Corps Souffrant Dans Indiana De George Sand » P.7, In: Dialnet, Vol 1, 2004.
[4] Ibidem.
[5] Ibid. P. 293
[6] Ibidem.
[7] Ibid. P. 4.
[8] G. Sand, Indiana, Op. Cit, P. 81.
[9] Sigmund Freud, Cinq Leçons De Psychanalyse (1909), Ed. Payot, Paris, 1988, P. 21.
[10] G. Sand, Indiana, Op. Cit, P. 135.
[11] François Kerlouegan, « Désir, Délire Et Dolorisme », P. 153, In: Ecriture, Performance Et Théâtralité Dans L’œuvre De George Sand, Ed. Ellug, Grenoble, 2014.
[12] G. Sand, Lélia, Ed. Gallimard, Paris, 2003 (1833/1839), P. 161.
[13] François Kerlouegan, « Désir, Délire Et Dolorisme. », Op. Cit, P. 153.
[14] G. Sand, Lélia, Op. Cit, P. 161.
[15] B. Dedier, George Sand: Écrivain, Ed. Puf, Paris, 1998, P. 255.
[16] Ibid. P. 423.
[17] Sainte- Beuve, Pour La Critique, Ed. Gallimard, Paris, 1995, P. 39
[18] G. Sand, Lélia, Op. Cit, P. 161.
[19] Ibid. P. 458.
[20] François Kerlouegan, « Désir, Délire Et Dolorisme », Op. Cit, P. 150.
[21] G. Sand, Lélia, Op. Cit, P. 221.
[22] R. Joyal, C. Larochelle, Ed. Puc, Québec, 2011, P. 139.
[23] François Kerlouegan, « Désir, Délire Et Dolorisme », Op. Cit, P. 155.
[24] Ibidem.
Ikram Chemlali (2023),George Sand And Body Writing As An Opposition To The Patriarchal Spirit. IUSRJ International Uni-Scientific Research Journal (4)(6),33-36. for Paper

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