The error in ijtihad is one of the fundamentalist investigations in which debates took place, and there was a lot of controversy and debate around it, but Emam Al-Shatibi, may God have mercy on him, did not coordinate behind those differences, but rather dived into their purposes, looked into their depths, and it was easy for him to combine them after he showed their union in purpose and purpose. He also showed dimensions that give the issue of error in Ejtihad a practical benefit in Ejtihad, aiming to encompass it with the tools and controls that preserve the overall purpose for which it was legislated
Error in Ejtihad, Ejtihad approvals of Al-Shatib principles of jurisprudence characteristics of a mujtahid.
Abdelaali Elmazouari(2021),The error in Ejtihad according to Emam Al-Shatibi in Al-Muwafaqat. IUSRJ International Uni-Scientific Research Journal (2)(0),14-20. for Paper

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