Acquiring mother nationality is one of human rights in general and the right of mother and child which international agreements and Iraq constitution 2005 state and also Iraqi nationality Act on 2006 state the mother right to give her nationality to her children according to conditions because of the development of transfer means and travel to many countries and increasing number of marriage from foreigners as it is considered one of fqih subjects that evoke the debates of law scholars between supporters and opponents especially scholars of Islamic fqih as the son is to his father and the laws of countries were different in this matter and in the legal influences resulted from acquiring the mother 's nationality such as dual nationality and inheritance . The research problem is that the Iraqi legislature stated clearly the right of the child to acquire the mother nationality in case of unknown father and does not state the original right of the mother in transfer the nationality in case if the father is known abroad and the child is born abroad the Palestinian child from Iraqi mother is exempted from the right of having Iraqi nationality.
mother's nationality, acquisition, Iraqi law, international conventions
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Hiba Mahmood(2021), Acquiring the Mother's Nationality “A comparative study between international conventions and Iraqi law”. IUSRJ International Uni-Scientific Research Journal (2)(31),184-196. for Paper

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